Ace Of Pentacles Complete Tarot Meaning & Understanding

  • By: admin
  • Date: November 21, 2021
  • Time to read: 8 min.

Ace Of Pentacles Meaning:

The Ace of Pentacles card. The pentacle is a symbol of material abundance (pent=five and crates=riches) and in most decks, it is shown with an image of nature, portraying the rich world that provides for us long after its initial creation.

The Pentacle is about nature and its bounty, which is all around us. The pentacle is also one of the Majors that I do use when reading but it is primarily a Minor Arcana card for me.

The Ace of Pentacles is my favorite card in the deck and it is commonly one that we relate to when talking about abundance, prosperity, or just luck.

The Ace of Pentacles energy resonates with me like no other as I have had many occasions where close family members would come into money in a very unexpected way (in some cases, more than once over many years).

Upright Tarot Meaning:

The meaning of the Ace of Pentacles is that it is a fresh start, a new beginning. Whatever you have set out to do will only be settled by action and persistence. There can be no success without work!

Opportunity knocks at your door, but you must answer with your feet if they’re going to move forward.

The Ace of Pentacles is all about action and the journey ahead. There are no shortcuts and every step you take will count — so make sure that you’re moving forward!

This card tells you to trust your instincts, follow your gut feelings and allow yourself to truly enjoy life. It’s a beautiful day, don’t waste it!

The Ace of Pentacles is the beginning of new possibilities. It’s time to make a change and take action, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the ride as long as you are moving forward.

This card lets you know that things are going to work out in your favor, so don’t worry about it. Just do what needs to be done and trust that all will fall into place on its own time.

Ace Of Pentacles Reversed:

If you have the Ace of Pentacles card reversed in your reading then it is letting you know that things are not going well. There may be some tension between members present and this is causing problems for the group.

The resolution will come about by understanding and compromise, so keep a cool head as tempers flare. Letting emotions get out of control will only create more issues than they solve. It’s time to work together!

The Ace of Pentacles reversed also means that there is an imbalance between material gain (wealth) and spiritual growth (inner peace). You find yourself caught up in materialism which makes it difficult to enjoy life or appreciate what you do have. Money can’t buy happiness but it certainly helps on the way!

This card can mean that you are too focused on the material world and not enough on spiritual growth. You need to work on balance or things will continue to go downhill until your life is spiraling out of control. The Ace of Pentacles reversed can also mean that you are missing a great opportunity because you cannot see it for what it truly is — an opportunity!

Career Meaning – Upright:

The Ace of Pentacles in a career reading points to senior positions for the querent. It can also mean that you are about to go from an apprentice into a full-time position with your employer, or even out on your own.

This card tells you it’s time to take matters into your own hands and stop waiting around for others — do what needs to be done! Work hard at anything you do because nothing is handed out easily. There is always competition and you have to prove yourself if you want what is rightfully yours.

The Ace of Pentacles is all about working hard and getting results so this could also point towards promotions, raises, or positive attention at work. This would be the perfect time to ask for a raise or promotion as the stars are aligned in your favor.

Career Meaning – Reversed:

The Ace of Pentacles reversed in a career reading can mean that your efforts are not being noticed at work. This could be due to having a negative attitude and being standoffish, or it could be because you don’t seem to care about anything other than yourself and what matters to you. Perhaps the querent needs a reality check!

If this card has turned up in reverse then the querent may also find that their ambitions are weighing them down rather than helping them progress. In order for the querent to get ahead, they need to focus on others and realize teamwork is needed if success is going to be achieved.

This card tells us that we must value our friendships and relationships over money or status — it’s more important.

It’s time to work on your relationships and remember to put family, friends and loved ones first. Material gain (or loss) is not everything and the querent needs to realize that without a good support network they will have nothing. Friends are there for you through thick and thin — make sure you do the same for them!

Love Meaning – Upright:

If the Ace of Pentacles has turned up in a love reading then it points towards new beginnings. It may be a case of taking things slow when looking for love or ignoring others who show an interest in order to move on with life.

The querent is trying to force their emotions where they are not yet wanted or needed; go with the flow and take things as they come.

If the Ace of Pentacles is reversed in a love reading then we need to find a balance between material gain (wealth) and spiritual growth (inner peace). We must not let our pursuit of material gain turn us into greedy, self-centered individuals who care about nothing but themselves.

The querent needs to look beyond their own problems to see that others have just as many if not more issues than themselves, or even none at all! There are people out there living with less than what you do so be thankful for what you have instead of moaning about what’s missing from your life.

Love Meaning – Reversed:

The Ace of Pentacles reversed in a love reading could mean that you lack the material means to buy a gift for your partner. It may also indicate that your relationship is not as comfortable and relaxed as it once was — there are dramas going on behind the scenes!

The querent needs to learn how to manage their money better because at this present time they do not have enough of it. Instead of spending unnecessarily, or even over-saving, keep some money back and put it away in case an emergency arises. Balance is needed here so try not to feel guilty — everyone does this from time to time!

This card tells us we must be careful who we trust with our hearts and make sure that those closest to us return the favor instead of seeking out others who will give


The Ace of Pentacles is a card related to manifestation and it can also mean you need to stand up for what you believe in!

It could be a case of you feeling like you are lacking direction or purpose in life. Are your talents being fully utilized? Are they being put to good use? This is the time to speak out and harness your energies if we are going to create wonderful plans that will materialize into something real.

Positively, this card also tells us to focus on love, kindness, and harmony rather than greed, delusion, and hatred.

The querent needs to get back into balance — stop giving all their attention toward material gain without realizing there are more important things in life such as family love and friendship.

If the Ace of Pentacles has turned up in reading then it is telling us that we are at a turning point. It may be time for new beginnings or it could mean that those around you have set you on the right path.

Whatever your situation, spirituality is important and we need to be aware of this — life does not end here! We all need to remember death is inevitable so let’s live each day as though it were our last; make sure we enjoy what we have and don’t take anything for granted.


Ace of Pentacles reversed in a health reading could mean you are feeling sick or have had your energy sapped. If the querent is trying to do too much without any time for themselves then they may be suffering from stress-related illnesses such as chronic fatigue, heart problems and so on.

The Ace of Pentacles tells us to take things easy — rest when we need it rather than push our body to its limits just because we don’t want to miss out on opportunities that might arise!

If the querent is ill then it could be a case of balancing their hormones and blood sugar with diet, exercise and supplements.

Being in poor health can lead to depression so this is a good time to take a break from life’s worries and get some rest. The querent needs to realize if they don’t care for themselves then no one else will!

Present Events:

The Ace of Pentacles reversed in reading about recent events could mean the person you care for most has realized your love is not reciprocated and they have moved on; or more positively, it could mean your partner has given up material things to focus on their love for you. Do you feel like material gain is overshadowing your relationship?

Is there someone with whom you want to be friends but are being rejected by them? Are they unable or unwilling to accept that friendship?

Past Events:

Ace of Pentacles in a past reading could mean the person who has most influenced your life was without material gain — for example, a monk or nun. It tells us that wealth is not everything and it certainly does not mean happiness. If the querent has been looking back to happier times can they now see that this person’s love gave them more pleasure than any present riches and assets?

Future Events:

Ace of Pentacles in a future reading might mean the person you care for most is rejecting you and their relationship has taken a downward turn. Don’t despair too much! This card can also indicate that they are re-evaluating their life goals and have decided to pursue something other than materialism — this will be good news for you as well as them!

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