Ace Of Wands Complete Tarot Meaning & Understanding

  • By: admin
  • Date: August 6, 2021
  • Time to read: 10 min.

Ace of Wands Meaning: The

Ace of Wands Meaning in a Tarot reading predicts that there is imminent happiness and positivity on the horizon. It is an optimistic card that tells you to be open-minded, not to fear changes and new directions in your life.

When this card appears in reading; it represents a new beginning for you.

Ace of Wands Tarot Meaning: Excitement, curiosity, new beginnings, and all things bright and beautiful.

It’s a positive card that is welcoming exciting change in your life and urging you to go along with it. Ace of wands has a special meaning for young people – great potential and success can be achieved in their lives through new ventures or ideas.

The Ace of Wands is a message that tells you to be positive about life and go with the flow, don’t fear change, and be open-minded. It also indicates good news and happiness in your future.

Upright Tarot Meaning:

It shows new opportunities, such as a promotion, getting married, or having children.

It also represents the potential for excitement and change in your life with regard to new jobs and relationships. This card could indicate that you should be open-minded about changes in your life right now.

The Ace of Wands is a message from the tarot cards that predicts great happiness and success in the near future which can be brought about through new ventures or ideas.

It encourages you to go along with these changes rather than resisting them because they will bring happiness into your life.

You have talent, creativity, ambition and success written all over you! Try something new today like learning how to play guitar, dancing or painting?

 Ace of Wands is a message from the tarot cards to remind you that now is a great time for new beginnings and should not be wasted.

The Ace of Wands card can also suggest travel in the near future or distance will bring love into your life although this may be more likely if related Tarot cards are drawn.

Ace of Wands Reversed Meaning:  

When reversed, it means obstacles; delays or blockages can occur. It is a warning to avoid impatience and frustration with others as these emotions could poison relationships. This card also warns against rash actions which could delay success further (e.g A DIY project).

This card indicates that unexpected changes have occurred in your love life recently such as breaking up with a partner, cheating, or trying unsuccessfully to start a new relationship.  The Ace of Wands reversed can also mean that your ex-spouse is likely to reunite with you if this has not yet happened.

This card symbolizes change and when it appears in a Tarot reading shows that there will be negative changes ahead which could be brought about through financial loss, job loss, or an illness.

It is usually accompanied by other negative cards such as the Page and Five of Swords indicating further misfortune may occur.  

It’s important to take note of these negative changes so they can be avoided or minimized (e.g selling a losing investment) but don’t let them get you down! The Ace of Wands reversed suggests that although things won’t be positive at the moment, they will change for you and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

The Ace of Wands reversed can also be a message from your subconscious to take action on something that has been stressing you recently instead of worrying about it constantly.  

Take inspiration from this card; things may get worse before they get better but belief in yourself and quicker than you think, everything will turn around.

Career Meaning – Upright:

The Ace Of Wands tarot card meaning is a message to be open-minded about new opportunities that may come across your path.  It is time to start something new and embrace change if you are currently in a job situation that is not ideal for you.

This card often represents an opportunity for promotion or to move up the ladder into senior management – executives who have this card as part of their spread may find themselves being heavily involved with company expansion. This card indicates it’s a great time for a change, so consider moving jobs or taking on extra responsibilities at work!

The Ace Of Wands also predicts things will go smoothly at work; bosses and co-workers will be helpful, supportive, and understanding. You probably won’t get fired or laid off anytime soon so enjoy this positive work environment.

Career Meaning – Reversed:

 The Ace of Wands reversed indicates you may be experiencing negative changes in the workplace like being passed over for promotions, getting unfairly criticized at work, or being made a scapegoat. It is best to try and ignore these stressful situations as they will eventually improve.

Ace of Wands tarot card meaning when reversed can also indicate obstacles; delays or blockages which can occur when starting something new ie A DIY project.  

Don’t let setbacks stop you from giving it your best because things will get better than you think, negativity can turn into positivity quicker than you think!

Love Meaning – Reversed:  

The Ace of Wands reversed indicates negative changes are occurring in your love life.  It represents obstacles, delays or blockages to be overcome which will affect your relationships.  

In this situation, the only thing you can do is wait and hope that things improve. It may take some time for things to work themselves out but in the end, it should all work out okay as long as you don’t make any rash moves (e.g a hasty divorce).

It’s best to try not to focus on negativity or concern yourself with what other people are doing while you wait ie jealousy, pettiness, etc because these emotions could poison your current relationship if they aren’t dealt with positively.

Conflict at home may have arisen from a difference of opinion about something- perhaps it’s a matter of overspending.  You may even be thinking about separation or divorce.

The Ace of Wands reversed indicates that you may be experiencing negative changes in your love life.   Positivity is replaced with arguments and negativity in the relationship as well as extra time spent apart from each other (e.g traveling for work).

It’s important to take note of these negative changes so they can be avoided or minimized! The Ace of Wands reversed suggests that although things won’t be positive at the moment, they will change for you and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Love Meaning – Upright:  

The Ace of Wands upright indicates positive changes are occurring in your love life.  

This card can also represent an upcoming or existing relationship that is blossoming and looking strong- it may even be about new love.

A change is going to come or has happened recently so this new path will be different from what you have experienced previously; you may find yourself taking on a completely different role within the relationship (e.g if you found happiness with a single parent who has now brought their children into the mix).

If this is your current situation then know that all relationships go through many stages over time which often includes conflict, friction, and disagreements just like every other aspect of life.

  It’s natural for things to change and even though things may be rocky for a while, you can overcome these issues together with a bit of compromise and understanding.

Things will get better in the end if you put in the effort to deal with your problems positively!  Ace of Wands upright tarot card meaning is an indication that happiness, joy, and love are all within reach if you act now.


The Ace of Wands represents a positive, spiritual event that is about to begin; it can indicate an exciting phase that will lift your spirits and make you feel happy and satisfied.

The length of this phase depends on whether you want it to or not but if you don’t then try to embrace the change in order to get the most out of this period.

Be careful when dealing with things spiritually at the moment though because they may seem too good to be true.

This could lead you down a path where you find yourself facing setbacks or experiencing something negative which will bring everything back into balance quickly so always remember: keep your feet firmly planted on terra firma and use common sense at all times!


The Ace of Wands upright can suggest that you are feeling positive about your health at the moment and may even be taking steps to improve it (e.g visiting a health professional) so keep up the good work and don’t give up!

If this is not the case though, you may have someone in your life who is trying to get you to take better care of yourself or worse- forcing you into making a decision about your health.   

You feel like your freedom has been taken away from you but know that things will turn out okay because time heals all wounds.

Present Events:  

The Ace of Wands upright is appearing in your present now because you are ready for a positive change to occur.  

You may not know exactly what this change is or how it will come about but with this card alone, it’s likely that you have a good idea already since the energy surrounding it suggests positivity and happiness. This is the time to go out and get what you want- whether that be love, health, freedom, or something else entirely!  

The Ace of Wands present in a reading highlights the need for honesty; be honest with yourself and others even if it means having an uncomfortable conversation.

Your thoughts create your reality so make sure they are positive as often as possible (e.g saying thanks when you’re grateful) because this will attract positive outcomes to you.

The Ace of Wands in other people’s present readings can indicate that someone else is trying to take control over your life or health; you need to stand up for yourself and question their motives because it may be that they are acting selfishly (e.g a family member who wants you out of the house so they can sell it).

Past Events:  

The Ace of Wands in the past was a positive time; you may have been happy and healthy at this stage or it’s possible that you were just starting out on a new path that offered great rewards.  

You may not be able to go back to this place in your life but if you can, then try to embrace this opportunity- even if it means having to deal with some old feelings from the past!  

It seems as though there is an opportunity available for you now that might lead you down a similar path but don’t get too excited about it yet because the outcome is still unknown! 

Try not to take any action for a while and see what happens instead because sometimes things are better left alone.   The Ace of Wands past suggests that things will be okay if you relax and let them take their course (at the moment!)

The Ace of Wands in negative situations can suggest people interfering with your life- whether they want to help or not; try to stand up for yourself but tread carefully around these individuals because they may have ulterior motives. You don’t need negativity in your life so it’s time to do something about it!

Future Events:  

The Ace of Wands future is a positive time ahead; there will be good things to come and opportunities available.  

You may not know what these are yet but if you’ve been patient for this long, then it won’t be too long before you get to see some real results from your hard work! 

Things have been looking up lately and they’re about to get better because the Law of Attraction is bringing something really awesome into your life- though at the moment, it may just seem like some ordinary every day occurrence that you don’t think much about.   

Don’t let your guard down over the next few weeks though as although everything looks okay on the surface, there could be several negative events coming up in your future!   It’s hard to say exactly what these will be because they can take a variety of forms but it’s worth being prepared just in case.

If you have been through difficult times recently, then the Ace of Wands future suggests that these are coming to an end and soon things will be looking up!  

 Try not focus on the negative because this is only bringing more negativity into your life; always look for the positive first and when you find it, focus on it as if nothing else exists. This way, you will attract everything that makes you happy into your life.

Don’t forget about the past though or how hard things were at this point either because sometimes we need to go back there before making a change.

Another possible outcome of the Ace of Wands future is that you may be on your way to a big event or holiday (e.g overseas trip), and this will certainly turn out positive as long as you don’t take any unnecessary risks along the way.  

The Ace of Wands in other people’s readings suggests that they are preparing for some kind of challenge ahead, so wish them luck because they’ll need it! 

 Try not to interfere if you can help it because its better for them to learn whatever lesson they’re about to learn alone; however, if you know what this is, then offer advice where appropriate but let them figure things out themselves either way.  

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