Eight Of Swords Tarot Meaning

  • By: admin
  • Date: July 18, 2021
  • Time to read: 11 min.
eight of swords

Eight of Swords meaning

The eight of swords tarot card meaning is about restriction, limitations, or being bound. It is a card to let you know that you will have your freedom again soon and that there are no real obstacles in your path.  With the eight swords, however, it may not be quite as easy as you think. 

The eight swords are about being restrained by the mental, emotional or spiritual state you are in. This can almost be thought of as a self-imposed limitation or restriction. This may also mean that eight people, ideas, thoughts, emotions, or other aspects tied up in your situation prevent you from truly being free.

When the eight swords are thrown during a reading, it indicates that you might be feeling trapped at this time even though there is nothing actually holding you back right now.  You may still feel locked into just staying where you are and not really doing anything to change it because it feels like too much effort to do so. You will be working on changing the way things have been happening for quite some time.

I like this card because it does not imply any problems for us, despite knowing the feeling of imprisonment and not having liberty in our lives, although sometimes this feeling can become more acute.  Often there is a need to recompose and rest, but do not lose your desire for freedom; at some point, you will be able to escape from the prison of the eight of swords tarot card’s meaning, so long as you keep trying.

The eighth of swords is an inverted image (upside down) of two wands crossed on top of each other: this can mean that we are being pushed into something new by others, or it could also be us forcing our ideas onto others.  We may have much more power than we think in certain situations, and if we stand by our principles, they can help us protect ourselves from things happening around us that we did not want in the first place.

The eight swords represent feeling stuck or connected by a repeatable cycle. You might feel like you have been enveloped in dangers that may make it difficult for you to move. Sometimes when you feel trapped in something, you feel the emotion you feel underlying that experience is fear. Keep in mind there is always an answer to what is controlling you. No matter the cause of your relationship problem or the problem with money, your health can improve. There’s a way to deal with fear, such as abandonment.

Upright Eight of Swords Meaning

The eight swords meaning upright, show emotional limitation. But this does not mean that you are not free to be happy with your life or in your heart. It’s just a signal that the emotional road may have some bumps and twists along the way. We all experience this at times, but usually, it passes quickly if we accept what is happening around us freely without trying to change it too much. Sometimes it takes time for certain situations to resolve themselves before moving on to a better situation, although never give up hope!

You will see opportunities arrive as eight sword rumors pass by, so take advantage of them when they come, even though right now they might not be quite what you wanted or expected. Do not be afraid to make changes in your life if it means a better way for you. As long as you are happy with where you go and what you do, then eight of swords, eight of wands upright will give the message that nothing is lacking or missing from your life at present.

The Eight of Swords reveals the feeling of restrictedness that you have with your circumstances. Let go of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that put you at odds with. The card is frequently associated with a victimization attitude. You sacrificed your power to an external entity and allowed yourself into something that was ‘captured and restricted.’ But it’s up to you to use those resources so that they serve you. As soon as you change your thought, you will start producing a better outcome. Your ideas don’t actually serve you, but your intuition is. Make sure you’re right. Keep searching rather than being stuck.

Reversed eight of swords, meaning

The eight swords, meaning reversed, are when you escape from the prison you have built for yourself, and it’s time to move on. It means that there is a need to clear and start again, but first, you must let go of what was holding you back. In addition to being instructed to let go, eight of sword Reversed can also represent a lack of freedom in our life at present, although sometimes this feeling can become more acute.  Often there is a need to recompose and rest like eight wands tarot card meaning, so long as you keep trying.

The eighth of swords is an inverted image (upside down) of two wands crossed on top of each other: this can mean that we are being pushed into something new by others, or it could also be us forcing our ideas onto others.  We may have much more power than we think in certain situations, and if we stand by our principles, they can help us protect ourselves from things happening around us that we did not want in the first place.

The inversed Eight of Swords signal that skeletons need a tidy-up. Set the intention to let go of habits and beliefs that cling to you. You can see the light on the end of the tunnel, and through the freedom you gain from your beliefs, you can create a better reality for yourself. Do your own reflection on your past and what a difference your perspective or your approach is. Accept the option facing you – and refuse to ‘play the victim’ taking responsibility for your surroundings better. It wasn’t easy. You have opened yourself to change and to yourself.***

Eight of swords – Love and Relationships meaning

The eight of swords is a card about codependency and feeling trapped in a relationship. It warns that if you don’t learn to let go, you will be so wrapped up in other people’s feelings than your own happiness will get lost somewhere along the way. If this is happening for you, take some time alone; reflect on what makes your soul sing, and search out ways to get there. Your relationships will improve greatly!

Reading meaning: See eight of wands and eight cups for information about the eight-card “family” that belongs to a theater in one reading.

I feel…  deprived. I want what she has (or he or they), but I’m not willing to do what it takes to get it. I feel trapped and helpless.

The eight swords suggest that you are obsessed with the notion that one special person (or possibly more) has all you want or need. You do not have what they have; unless you can change your perspective and see what is really going on, you may remain needy forever! To be content with yourself as an individual is a major step toward finding happiness in love, but if you don’t learn to appreciate who YOU are, then no amount of romantic involvement will satisfy your soul, for true fulfillment only comes from within.

I am…  suffering disappointment. My expectations about relationships – my dreams about how they should be – aren’t coming true.

The eight of swords represent the desire to have things work out perfectly. You may want a certain kind of relationship, or you may want your relationship to end a certain way. Still, if you are not letting go and allowing yourself to be happy with what is actually happening in front of you right now, then it is likely that your expectations will not be fulfilled. This card suggests finding satisfaction in today’s reality rather than being anxious about tomorrow – because indeed, tomorrow never comes exactly as we had hoped!

I question…  whether I am worthy of love and friendship. Sometimes my feelings are so hurt that I can’t imagine anyone really cares about me.

The eight of swords warns that resentment and self-pity often follow from feeling trapped. If you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by negative thoughts for too long, you can end up feeling worthless and unlovable – and this is a dangerous state for any human being to live in! Not everyone will indeed treat you with the kindness or respect that you deserve, but do they really know how important they are to you? The eight of swords suggest thinking about what your life might be like if everyone you cared about suddenly decided not to speak or acknowledge your existence. Feelings come and go, but love’s enduring presence can give even the most miserable person hope for tomorrow.

The eighth of swords means you feel trapped, placed in a certain room of relationship; there are limitations to this feeling, almost like they’ve not heard you. You may feel that you may never escape if you have that perception. If you find yourself feeling powerless in your relationship and your spouse has been abusing you try to find an alternative. This doesn’t mean it necessarily represents abuse. There’s no real control over it! You might want to feel stuck at some emotional levels. You have no idea what to do.

Career Meaning – Reversed 8 of Swords

Running away from your problems seems like a good idea when you feel trapped in your current situation. If you could only hit the road, find some new scenery, and get far away from the people who hurt you or angered you most – that’s what would make everything better! But if this is how you feel, then take care not to be impulsive or reckless with your decisions about where or how long to stay gone. If running away is indeed the right plan for now, then prepare yourself for an abrupt change of plans soon after departure.

The eight swords can say that perhaps there was too much pressure put on you regarding a certain career path; thus, it caused stress, which ultimately resulted in exhaustion, therefore causing health issues. You may have put so much pressure on yourself to be a certain way to fit into your career choice or image that it started showing up as physical health problems. If you feel this card, take some time for yourself and look after your own needs!

The eight of swords can mean that you feel like the walls are closing in on you; perhaps there is too much conflict at home or at work leading one to feel frustrated and tense? Sometimes we hold onto things that create stress in our lives, which we don’t even realize until someone points out what’s going on. This card also means when it seems like no matter how hard you try, nothing ever goes right. The eight of swords suggests letting go of the

Maybe the anxiety has taken some time, but finally, you have come out of that. Occasionally the card can show you a job or position which has already allowed you to fulfill your full potential. The reverse 8 swords can also sometimes be the reverse. Remember that you can change things if you open your eyes to all possibilities and never lets fears rule you out. The only person who will save you will be your own, and every day may be a challenging one but remember – you can always change everything with your own eyes and your Spirit. You could instead lose all the hope in the idea that you’ll keep it whoever it is.

Career Meaning – Upright 8 of Swords

Carrying out day-to-day tasks within a job or career can be a challenge when you are feeling drained. This is the eight of swords meaning, and sometimes the eight of swords suggests that you have put so much pressure on yourself to live up to someone else’s expectations that it has resulted in exhaustion. You may feel that everything is piling up, and there seems no end in sight! Dealing with others who are pressuring you or sticking to an unrealistic schedule can drain your energy more than anything else at work or home.

The eight swords show us how some people seem to get stuck in their careers, progressing nowhere. It also represents possible feelings of being trapped by your own thoughts; they often become fears that turn into anxiety and develop into full-blown panic attacks. This is most likely a temporary feeling that becomes overwhelming when you are at your wits end with what to do about it all!

If this eight of swords has appeared in your reading, then perhaps your career is going nowhere, or you feel stuck in a dead-end job? Perhaps you need to take some time for yourself and evaluate what is important between work and home life. Sometimes the eight of swords tells us we are letting others dictate our own lives. What if we could do things differently? The eight swords can sometimes warn others not to allow other people’s expectations to dictate how they live their own lives. They must understand that they have the power within themselves and only tell them otherwise because they don’t understand. With the eight of swords, you can learn to take your own life and do as you please within it!

An anxious mood could make you feel like you don’t have all the options you really have. If people plan on changing careers, it may require some training, but there can be difficult without a steady income. Ask to help check your budget and turn a hobby into a business finding a reliable place for a student loan. There are likely many options where you don’t have to keep suffering. There are many options of thinking outside of your professional choices related to a hobby or collegiate debts or finding a job that does not require years of education. If you or someone close to you have eight of swords, they may feel like a failure over the options that have eight swords to find professional eight swords with a better eight sword job. You may have eight swords wondering if it truly is time for eight sword years of school and student loan debt or focusing on the problem differently if you need years of education.

As long as one keeps moving forward with eight spades, students are advised to keep their priorities in order and stay focused on their academic goals while maintaining a balance between work and play! This card tells us about an urgent situation related to health matters where we must do something NOW because otherwise, it will be too late.

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