Five Of Wands Tarot Meaning

  • By: admin
  • Date: July 18, 2021
  • Time to read: 7 min.
five of wands

Five of Wands Meaning

The Five of Wands tarot card represents your creative power, ideas, and intellect. It indicates that you’re coming up with some great new concepts and projects. But there can be some resistance to these ideas from others, so don’t expect smooth sailing just yet.

The Five of Wands in a reading may indicate that you’ve got an idea for a project, but other people resist the changes. The stress created by this conflict is what’s indicated on the card. You may have to weather some criticism or hostility before things settle down into place and everyone is willing to cooperate and get along. Be prepared for some tough battles ahead but also realize that once you’ve won through, it’ll all be worth it in the end!

Five of Wands Tarot Meaning – Advice

The Five of Wands is a card that tells you that it’s important to fight against negative influences in your life and not be afraid to speak out if you feel like you’re being bullied or pressured into doing something you don’t want to do.

It’s not necessarily a card representing violence or anger, but rather it is advising you to stand up for yourself. Don’t let anyone push you down. If you’re being mistreated, speak up about your feelings, and don’t be afraid to take action against those who are hurting you (whether verbally or physically).

This is a card of fight-or-flight and specifically urges the former over the latter (at least in most cases). While this isn’t always easy, especially if fear has taken hold of your emotions, you must press on; do not back away from a conflict when things get hard.

Remember that dealing with problems as they arise can go a long way in preventing them from becoming worse. The Five of Wands doesn’t always have to be interpreted as a card about conflict or problems, but it can also indicate that things are going to end up being okay so long as you’re willing to face your issues head-on and try new approaches when the old ones don’t work. Just because something is difficult right now doesn’t mean you should give up.

You might feel beaten down by some of your struggles in life, especially if they’ve been dragging on for some time and don’t seem like they’ll ever end (looking at you, debt).  It is important for you not to let these feelings get the best of you – no matter how bad things get, there will always be a way forward, and you don’t have to be afraid of trying out new things to find them.

Don’t forget that they will eventually get better even when things are at their worst right now.  Remember this not just for yourself, but also the people around you who may be struggling with something and could really use some support from someone who’s been there before (hopefully, this is me talking to myself).

Five of Wands as a Career Card:

If you’re looking at how your career might unfold over time, then it’s possible that the Five of Wands can signify pressure from other members of your team/ company who put heavy expectations on you. Maybe instead of feeling supported by them, you feel like they’re holding you back and keeping you from being your best self.

If this is the case, then there are a few things that you can do to prevent this from happening.  I would suggest finding someone at work which seems like they have similar interests and passions as you and try to build a rapport with them. If these people already exist on your team, great!  If not, then maybe it’s time to start looking for those who will support you instead of holding you back.

I’ve been working professionally since April 2013, so I’m just starting to feel how my career will unfold over time. While five years feels like a long time in some ways (especially when I think about how much I could potentially accomplish in that time), it’s also such a short amount of time when I think about what kind of long-term impact my job will have on me.

What I’m trying to say is, there will be ups and downs in your career no matter what kind of field you’re in (except maybe if you win the lottery and retire early). While this might seem like bad news, keep in mind that neither failure nor success is a permanent state. Don’t be afraid to try something new even if it doesn’t go as planned because those experiences can teach you valuable lessons down the line. But at the end of the day, life isn’t about living up to other people’s expectations or standards; it’s about being the person you want to be.

Five of Wands Finance Meaning:

If financial issues have been weighing on your mind lately, then this card can mean that you’re putting too much pressure on yourself to make ends meet. It’s important to remember that while “making it” in any field takes a lot of hard work and dedication, not every accomplishment will be as straightforward as all of the motivational posters and inspirational quotes might lead you to believe (especially when it comes to money!).

Suppose you find yourself wanting to compare your situation with others who are doing better than you financially; try not to think about them too much.  Sure, it’s okay if their success gives you some inspiration, but don’t use them as a way to measure your self-worth or tell yourself that where you are in life is “not good enough.”

Regardless of your situation, there will always be doing better than you, and there will also always be people who are doing worse.  No matter where you stand financially, it’s important to make sure that you’re treating yourself with the same respect and courtesy that you would treat others within your position.

Finally, don’t forget to take care of your health by finding ways to relieve stress and take some time out for yourself – especially if you work full-time or have kids!  Without proper rest every day, it can become easy to lose sight of our goals because we were too busy working so hard that we didn’t have any energy left over to think about what we want out of life.

Five of Wands as a Health Card:

If you’re going through some illness right now, the Five of Wands might be trying to tell you that you’re stressing yourself out too much and need to relax more so that your body can rest and recover.  If this is the case, then I would suggest getting outside or doing anything else on your list of “must-do” activities (except for work!) that doesn’t put any extra pressure or stress on your body.

If you have a lot going on in your life right now (including work, kids/ pets, home upkeep, etc.), it’s important to make sure not to leave any room for self-care because, without it, your body will eventually decide to give up on you.  If you don’t have enough time in your life right now for some much-needed “me time,” then try making a schedule and sticking to it so that you can get a good amount of rest every day.

Five of Wands Tarot Meaning – Reversed

When the Five of Wands is reversed in a tarot spread, it can indicate that you need to pull yourself together. You’re not doing as well as you should be, but this will pass, and you’ll soon find your feet again. If someone else is feeling low, then provide support by listening to them. You could also offer some encouragement or assistance if they need it. Don’t let anyone push you around or walk all over you!

Five Of Wands Reversed Meaning In Love

If the five wands tarot meaning reversed appears in love readings, it suggests that too many people are trying to show off for their own good. It might be difficult for others to understand what they have achieved compared with others who may seem more talented at first glance. This can leave you feeling unappreciated and angry.

If you’re involved with someone who tends to be a bit of an attention seeker, they may end up upsetting those closest to them. This is because their desire for recognition often comes before love and friendship these days. If this person is your lover, they are likely starting to ignore the feelings of others in pursuit of self-gratification. They may lie or hide things from you as well.

It could also mean that you need to take some time out from your relationship to reassess things on a more level footing. It may be necessary for everyone involved to re-evaluate the basis of their relationships if there is too much competition going on between people in one particular situation.

Five Of Wands Reversed Meaning In A Job Reading

If the five wands reversed appear in a job reading, it could mean that you are finding it hard to keep up with others around you. Others may be outshining you or making it difficult for you to get noticed by your boss. You need to find some other way of gaining recognition if this is often happening, or you’ll never make any progress at work.

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