King Of Pentacles Upright & Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

  • By: admin
  • Date: July 15, 2021
  • Time to read: 7 min.

Tarot cards are used as tools to tell the future, but they can also be used for spiritual growth and guidance. The King of Pentacles is a card that symbolizes mastery over material things. It is about success, accomplishment, and satisfaction in your work.

King Of Pentacles Meaning

King of pentacles

The king of pentacles card may indicate an ability to create something from nothing or turn an idea into reality by hard work. There’s no better card when you need motivation or encouragement – it means you have what it takes!

It may also mean that you will soon be rewarded with wealth, security, and stability if not already experiencing those feelings now. This king wants everyone around him to feel the same way he does, so he might offer help or advice on making life better.

When the king of pentacles comes up in a reading, he’s telling you that whatever you’re going through now will be worth it in the end because your hard work will pay off in terms of wealth, career, and financial security.

In general, this king is someone who allows himself to feel satisfied after a job well done. He’ll judge himself by the fruits of his labor.

Career Meaning – Reversed King of Pentacles

When the king of pentacles is reversed in a reading, he may mean that you’re waiting for something to come to fruition. Although the king is quite competent and strong-willed, sometimes the hard work doesn’t pay off as quickly as it should.

While waiting around can be frustrating, there’s no need to panic! You have a lot within you to offer the world, so even though it might not feel like your goals are coming together at this time, never lose faith.

This reversal could also be seen as opportunities slipping away or feeling trapped or confined by current circumstances in life. One option would be to look into other career options that offer more creativity but ultimately, if you enjoy what you do now, then stay put – things will work out for you.

The king of pentacles reversed also asks you to step outside yourself and look at what’s happening around you. Maybe the king has this tendency to get lost in his own world – it might be a good idea to make an effort to go out more often, keep up with current events, or put yourself out there so that opportunities can open up for you.

Tarot Love Meaning – Reversed King of Pentacles

In a love reading, king of pentacles reversed could mean that you’ve been waiting around for someone to come back in your life or call you. There’s no need to try to force anything – it won’t happen on its own! Instead, take this time and space away from each other to grow individually and let things work out.

This king does not like being left hanging, so he may come back if he misses the intimacy and wants the flow of romance in his life again, but don’t count on it because he might be too busy enjoying himself without you to bother coming back.

When the king of pentacles reverses into a relationship card, it tells you to clear your head before getting serious with another person because now is the time to focus on you. You’re not going to be able to truly give your all if you’re still thinking about that broken engagement or the king of pentacles who got away.

Love is worth waiting for, so don’t sacrifice your well being in a relationship just because it feels good – king of pentacles reversed also means that you may have set yourself up with unrealistic expectations and are now discontent with what you have because the king isn’t living up to his part. Or, there’s no king at all! Take this time as an opportunity to work out any issues with yourself resulting from past relationships before getting involved again. Practice self-love!

The king of pentacles reversed could also mean that someone else is pursuing you, but you’re not interested in that person. Listen to your gut – king of pentacles reversed means this isn’t the king for you, or maybe you’ve been king-ing it over them! Either way, respect the other person’s feelings and wishes and stop pursuing them because the king of pentacles reversed is not about being a king among men (or women); it’s about being king among one.

Finances Meaning – Upright King of Pentacles

When the king of pentacles rises in a financial reading, you have every reason to celebrate. If you’ve been working hard and the fruits of your labor are paying off, king of pentacles is here to congratulate you on a job well done!

This king wants you to spend his money frivolously on yourself because he’s proud of what you’ve accomplished and will reward himself later by relaxing with an expensive cigar or bottle – this king knows how to live life largely. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the king of pentacles reversed will bring back time spent with loved ones lost; it just means the king enjoys making memories with those around him. And so do we!

Finances Meaning – Reversed King of Pentacles

The king of pentacles reversed indicates that you’ve been too extravagant with the king’s hard-earned money. You might tend to spend the king’s money before the king can give it to you, or the king could be taking his time paying you back. Either way, the king is not happy and now wants you to take care of yourself by spending less. You may feel as if the king has taken away your freedom, but really, he’s asking you to think about who else is affected by your poor decisions – are they spending more than their fair share?

It sounds like the king of pentacles reversed is telling you to get out there and start earning some real money so that king will be proud of how responsible you are! For those already working, this king wants you to show the king how productive you are.

The king of pentacles reversed also means a misunderstanding about money between king and king-ee, more so than usual. If the king is not carrying his fair share, then he may be trying to tell the king-ee that he cares for them but can’t financially support the relationship any longer. Or maybe king-ee hasn’t handled their own finances very well, and the king realizes this and has taken over – king of pentacles reversed could mean the king has forced you to start taking care of yourself! Either way, as long as neither party is cheating or stealing money from each other, remember there’s always time to learn something new – especially with this card because we’ve all done it!

Family Meaning – Upright

The king of pentacles is the king in his castle, a king who cares deeply for the king he’s well-being. His care extends to both physical and emotional needs. The king will help with any fixer-upper around the castle because he knows that king-ee wants something better out of life, whether it’s money or family issues – this king has all bases covered.

This king also realizes that many problems arise from family members struggling to get along with each other,. Hence, the king encourages you to work together as one while spending quality time doing things you enjoy together – like fixing up the castle, enjoying fine dining, and taking lessons to expand your mindsets!   Let the king of pentacles be king over your home and king his heart!

Family Meaning – Reversed

The king of pentacles reversed is the king who forgets his king-ee. It sounds harsh, but the king tends to have a lot on his mind with all the royal responsibilities, so he may not be thinking about king-ee as much as king-ee would like. If this happens, then the king should stop and take some time to really think about why king-ee is upset, what they need from them, and how he can make things right again.    If you are the king of pentacles reversed, find ways for yourself to relax – if that means taking a break from the king or calling the king more often to check in on king-ee, the king will do what the king needs to do.

Spiritual Meaning – Upright

The king of pentacles is connected with earth energies like nature, so this king can help ground you from anxiety by encouraging you to get outside or take a long walk with him – the king of Pentacles isn’t worried about what other people think! Getting away from the hustle and bustle of life may feel like you’re running away, but the king’s encouraging this king-ee to run from the undue stress king-ee has created within king-ee.   Since the king is connected with earth energies, he also encourages king-ee to manifest his dreams by connecting with mother nature. Try meditating or doing yoga on the grass for a fresh perspective!  Getting in touch with the earth can help king-ee see that king isn’t as fearful as king-ee might think, and no matter how far the king sometimes seems, at the end of every day it’s always good to remember that there is the earth beneath you even when you don’t feel it.

Spiritual Meaning – Reversed

The king of pentacles reversed may indicate king he’s fear that the king will let king-ee down. If the king is not reaching king-ee, the king-ee is likely expecting too much out of the king, and the king can’t always live up to that – especially since he has a kingdom to run! The king of pentacles reversed also has earth energies surrounding him, but this time the earth represents his weight on your shoulders.  King isn’t doing anything personal against you, so please don’t take it personally… However,, it does mean your own workload needs some adjusting, soo look at how you can help ease yourself while still being productive foryourselfs and others!

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