Six Of Cups Tarot Meaning Understanding

  • By: admin
  • Date: August 12, 2021
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Six Of Cups Meaning

When the Six of Cups appears in a tarot reading, it is linked with an individual who has a family or group mentality. This card will show that the querent is yearning for unity and harmony between loved ones in their life and, if they are feeling overly ambitious, they would like this to be extended further out into the community.

Upright Six Of Cups Meaning:

A close-knit group of friends or relatives. A yearning for the freedom and happiness of those who live in groups, be it a family, social circle, or community.

Reversed Six Of Cups:

The reversed Six of Cups does not suggest that unity will be found. Instead, the querent may feel as though they are unable to enjoy this type of close relationship with others; their attempts at socializing or having a group mentality will appear forced and unnatural. This kind of situation is likely to cause the individual distress and can lead them to retreat away from others, feeling as though that situation is not for them.

In some cases, if the querent is looking to unite and create harmony either within their group of friends or in a wider community, they may find themselves faced with opposition to this idea. This card can then suggest that it will take significant effort on behalf of the individual if they are to overcome those obstacles and achieve harmony in their group or community.

However, the upside of this card is that it can also show us that we will find a way to achieve what we are looking for; all that may need to happen is an adjustment of our method. This could require self-reflection so as to understand why unity and harmony seem so difficult to achieve.

Six Of Cups Career Meaning – Upright:

When the Six of Cups comes up in love and relationship readings, it is linked with a desire to find someone who is not just attractive but also kind and warm. However, this card can also indicate that an existing relationship will be tested by another party who may be coming into the relationship as a third wheel or who will disrupt any harmony that has developed between two people.

Six Of Cups Career Meaning – Reversed:

This card can indicate in love and relationships readings that an existing relationship is threatened by someone else; it can also highlight that the querent has an individual who they do not want to leave them, whether this stems from their insecurity or fear of being alone.

However, where work is concerned, the reversed Six of Cups suggests that an attempt to reach out to others and go above and beyond expectations will fall flat on its face. It could suggest a failure in some projects which others will hold against the querent. This card can also show us how we are unable to reach the level of success that we had hoped for.

In any case, this card suggests one who is unable to achieve harmony and unity in their environment; it suggests a situation which is struggling to move forward due to an imbalance and discord among individuals.

When this card appears in tarot readings, it can show us how we need to reassess our intentions so as not to impose our wants or needs on others. It will suggest that we take time out from interacting with others and seek clarity amongst ourselves before attempting to reenter social situations.

Six Of Cups Career Meaning – Reversed:

Six Of Cups Love & Relationship Reading – Upright: While there is no guarantee that the Six of Cups will show us a new and exciting relationship, it does tell us that we are ready to meet another person.

We are likely to find them attractive, kind and mature. Instead of focusing on how they look or what they can do for us – or just how much fun we could have with them – this card tells us that we should focus on getting to know them as an individual.

It suggests that once the connection has been made emotionally, the physical attraction will follow – which means, in love and romance readings, this card signifies security and harmony within a relationship.

Six Of Cups Love Meaning – Reversed:

In love and relationship readings, the Six of Cups can be a warning that an existing relationship may need to be rebalanced. This card can suggest that there is already harmony within the relationship with trust and commitment between two people however it may highlight that something or someone from outside the partnership will throw this off-balance.

Six Of Cups Love Meaning – Upright:

In job and career readings, the Six of Cups can represent someone who is in touch with their feelings, someone who is sensitive to others’ emotions. It suggests that they have an innate ability to put themselves into other people’s shoes and feel empathy for them.

They are likely to be good communicators and listeners, which means that they will make great friends or team members at work as well as excellent counselors or therapists. However, this card can also tell us that we need to pay particular attention to how we treat those around us; our positive relationship with fellow employees can help everyone achieve more as a unit than they may do separately.

Six Of Cups Spiritually:

In spiritual readings, the Six of Cups can suggest that there is a desire to find a common denominator or an underlying meaning among those who follow different religions.

It may highlight someone who is on the path to enlightenment or some other form of inspiration; this person could be seeking emotional security in their life and trying to understand how they fit into the universe through what they currently believe, rather than looking for something new.

Six Of Cups Health:

In medical and health readings, the Six of Cups can suggest a need for self-care or that someone will be overstressed as they are looking after others.

This card can also indicate an individual who has become needy; someone who is unable to ask for help or support because they feel like it is a sign of weakness – this lack of communication could lead to further stress and anxiety if left unaddressed.

Present Events:

The Six of Cups suggests that we are looking to find security in our current environment. This card can also show us how much support we have from those around us and where it is that we find comfort and ease within our lives.

It advises us to look at the people who surround us for positive affirmation that what we do has meaning.  

The reversed Six of Cups can tell us that our negative mood will affect those around us, particularly if they have been feeling down before – this could set off a chain reaction which will make everyone feel worse.

Past Events:

In past event readings, the Six of Cups can represent a life where we found ourselves surrounded by positive and loving people. It may show us relationships that we have been involved with in the past which were filled with harmony and happiness.

Future Events:

The Six of Cups can show us how we will find a sense of belonging in the future. This card can also highlight where or who it is that we are going to find security – with this knowledge, we can remove all doubt from our minds and relax knowing that whatever happens, there will be someone who will always be there for us.

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