Ten Of Cups Tarot Meaning & Understanding

  • By: admin
  • Date: August 6, 2021
  • Time to read: 7 min.
ten of cups

Ten Of Cups Meaning:

The Ten of Cups Tarot card gives the impression that you have accomplished a lot in your life. It may show you that, after a long and difficult journey, you are finally at peace and stable. You can now enjoy what you have been fighting for all these years.

Upright Tarot Meaning :

This card shows that you have finally reached your destination. You are now at peace, pleased, and contented with the life you lead. Your dreams and possible desires for the future seem to have all been fulfilled. You feel very blessed and truly happy right now.

Reversed Tarot Meaning:

If this card appears in a reversed position then negative feelings may be coming into your life right now which will bring unhappiness to you. These issues won’t be easily resolved so try not to worry about them too much.

It’s best if you can just ignore it and hope that it goes away. Things should improve after some time has passed by on its own accord without any interference from yourself or anyone else involved in the situation.

The Ten Of Cups indicates that there is something significant happening which could mean a new job, relationship, or even pregnancy! The 10 of cups signifies things are going well for you right now and everything seems like everything is coming up “roses”!

Reversed Ten Of Cups:

While the ten of cups in a tarot reading is usually a good thing, it can mean that you are taking things for granted and there may be some issues or complications that need to be resolved. Or each cup represents all people in their own world with no connection between them.

This card warns us of complacency when nothing is wrong but we feel unfulfilled. This card sometimes appears at the beginning of a downward cycle or period of depression or sadness which often follows an upswing in circumstance. The card alerts us to not take things for granted and reevaluate our life purpose. It represents gifts given by others but this shouldn’t be relied on for security. There might also be instances where you feel like someone has betrayed you but this is more of an illusion than reality.

The Ten Of Cups represents all people in their own worlds with no connection between them.

All the cups are beautiful crystal cups filled to the brim with water showing a strong sense of abundance and prosperity flowing freely! Ten can also mean unity or completion. The good news is that it’s up to you what you make of your life.

Spending time alone gives us clarity, reduces stress, and encourages creative thinking while maintaining healthy self-esteem at its highest level!

Career Meaning – Upright :

Ten of cups in a career reading means you are on your way to financial security. Prospects for work look promising and things are looking up professionally. It may indicate you will be working with or making money from family, friends, or colleagues.

When this card is upright it indicates success in matters of the mind, possibly an award or recognition for a creative project. An intellectual breakthrough leading to financial rewards. It can also represent ultimate success at something which could include winning arguments, debates, or legal battles; even a court-martial ending favorably.

The Ten Of Cups represents professional fulfillment and satisfaction through diligence and hard work! And that’s exactly what we all want, isn’t it? If this is what you desire then make sure your actions and behavior are aligned with your goals and dreams.

Career Meaning – Reversed :

There is a delay or cancellation of plans for the future. Finances will be tight in work, projects get delayed indefinitely; there might also be some delays at home as well.

It may also suggest problems between co-workers which could lead to one or all (including you) leaving the company! There might also be legal battles going on regarding work matters so it’s best not to get into arguments while at work! Injuries are possible especially if you don’t wear any safety equipment when you should.

This card can indicate a decrease in health, energy levels, and general wellness too. The Ten Of Cups reversed indicates that things aren’t going according to plan.

It suggests that your plans are delayed or canceled, which can be frustrating as you set yourself up for disappointment. This card also means money problems so be careful with your spending!

Love Meaning – Upright :

The 10 cups in a love reading show the potential for a relationship which may even lead to marriage if all goes well! The energy must be right and both parties have to want it at the same time;

however, there should not be any obstacles that will get in the way. If things flow smoothly then this can mean meeting someone special through family members or friends but remember this is only possible by virtue of honesty and open communication between all involved parties!

The Ten Of Cups represents ultimate success at love and relationships! If this is your goal then things are definitely on the right track! Don’t let outside influences get in the way of your union.

Love Meaning – Reversed :

The Ten Of Cups inverted may indicate unresolved issues from a previous relationship which could prove to be an obstacle in finding true love.

Things aren’t flowing smoothly so you will need to work at it before you can find happiness in love; there might even be heartbreak involved if you don’t pay attention to how you are feeling as well as what someone else is telling you.

There can be misunderstandings between lovers these will have to be resolved for a happy ending.

This card also indicates being overly demanding of another person or yourself, which contributes to one or both parties falling out of love!

If the Ten Of Cups is in a relationship reading then it may show marriage troubles or divorce. There could also be a change in your living situation – moving out, getting married, etc. It’s important not to move too quickly because this card indicates that there are things you need to figure out before making any rash decisions.

If you make a decision that conflicts with this card and your intuition then expect heartbreak and disappointment. Be careful about money situations as well; although this doesn’t mean you won’t have enough it does suggest being more frugal with what you do have!


The 10 cups reminds us of ah-ha moments when we see great possibilities open up before us. We receive confirmation from higher powers that our goals and dreams are achievable but we must choose them wisely. It is a time to make our intentions known.

This card indicates that everything you want will be given to you when the timing is right, but only if your desire is pure and not tainted by greed. There are many gifts available for those who have an open heart!


The Ten Of Cups reversed shows that there can be some issues with self-care when it comes to ailments or injuries. If this applies to your situation then you must stop what you’re doing immediately; take this advice seriously as ignoring it could lead to further complications in your health!!!

You might also find yourself experiencing low energy which can affect work performance and daily functioning. This card also suggests that family members may get sick so keep them in your thoughts and try to do your best at taking care of them as well!

Present Events:

With Aries being the ruler of this card it means you are now in a position where you can achieve great things; however, you must work for them! This card also suggests that those around you or who have recently been in your life are very supportive and encouraging.

You may find yourself rallying others to support you; if it’s something you truly believe in then it will be easier for you to get others on board. You should also use your imagination and creativity as this is what can really set you apart from the rest!

Although this card represents career success it also means that your work life may not be going exactly as planned; there could be delays or road blocks along the way. You may not feel like you are making any progress so it’s important to keep pushing forward; however, this card also suggests that you take a break and enjoy yourself even if it means not doing anything!

You can’t have everything in life or at work all the time which is why it’s important to remember to reflect on what you do have and be grateful for that. It’s also a good idea to share your success with others as the Ten Of Cups shows how sharing we can achieve even more!

Past events:

This card is showing you how people were supportive and understanding during a time of need or hardship. It shows that their love was unconditional even when they didn’t have enough to give!

If this card comes up in your past then it means you’ve grown from the situation; now, you can face life’s challenges head-on without being deterred by fear.

Things may seem hard at times but remember that this doesn’t mean things can’t get better or worse! What it does mean is that we should always keep our chins up with hope for a positive outcome!

Future Events:

This is a great card to see in the future position as it shows you how things will unfold over time; the Ten Of Cups shows that even when life gets complicated, there is something much more bigger and better ahead for those who keep their heads up!

You should never lose hope because trials and tribulations are simply a part of life. The other side always holds something beautiful or special so try not to dwell on the negative aspects too long!

The best way to deal with this card is to enjoy every minute of whatever you’re doing; live your life fully and be mindful that anything can change very quickly!

Lastly, if this card comes up then know that things may take longer than expected but just like any work of art, time is needed to craft perfection!

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