Positive Money Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance

  • By: admin
  • Date: August 7, 2021
  • Time to read: 14 min.

What are money affirmations?

Money Affirmations are positive statements that you make about yourself and your life. They focus your mind on what is most important to you, and they help you attract the things in life that you want.

Your Benefits:

1) You will begin to attract financial resources, and you will be able to manifest your financial desires. As a result, you will feel more positive about money.

2) You are giving yourself the power to create a new future for yourself and your family.

3) You give yourself the power to visualize and imagine what it is that you want in life.

Money affirmations help you see how different things would be if you had more money or if there were no limits on the amount of wealth that you could bring into your life.

4) Reframe your current doubts about the unlimited nature of wealth so that they can become part of your past history rather than existing as part of your present reality.

5) You are able to get your mind in alignment with what you want. If you spend time every day thinking about what is most important to you, and if you direct your thoughts towards these goals.

Then clearly there will be certain things that will happen much easier for you as a result. When you utilize money affirmations, this becomes true.

Why do we need positive affirmations?

We need to take charge of our lives and thoughts. Our thoughts are responsible for our life. We can make changes in our life by changing the way we think about them.

Positive affirmations are a good means of starting over and getting rid of what is no longer needed in our minds. When we have been hurt, abused, or made to feel like a failure, we build up layers of negative thoughts about ourselves, our lives, and others.

We are constantly bombarded by other people’s opinions and criticisms. So many times it is hard to find the truth when we are lost in the wilderness of so much negativity.

But what can we do? We need not worry anymore because there are lots of ways and techniques that can help us boost our self-esteem and affirmations are one of them.

We might not fully understand what an affirmation is but we can be certain about the power it holds, the power to change your life for good and positive.

There is healing in this process as each time you repeat the affirmation, you take a step closer to releasing the negative thoughts and beliefs that have been created in your mind.

For example, if you want to become a millionaire; repeating positive affirmations can bring good fortune into your life. The key is to be able to repeat over and over what you are trying to achieve or make real in your life.

When we repeatedly tell ourselves something, it will eventually seep into our subconscious and then manifest itself physically through our actions.

And this is how making use of the power of positive affirmations helps us achieve what we desire the most for ourselves, they guide us towards realizing our goals and desires while promoting inner peace, happiness as well as overall health.

Truthfully speaking, it doesn’t matter what you want for yourself but rather what’s best for you. And the key to getting what’s best for you is through making use of positive affirmations.

A lot of us may be asking ourselves, how and why should we make use of positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are words that describe our desires as well as our goals in life.

It gives shape and form to our hopes and wishes while at the same time propelling us forward into achieving them.

But, when using positive affirmations there are things that you need to consider first before saying them out loud or writing them down, such as:

– Make sure your ‘affirmations’ match your ‘intentions’. You can have all the ‘positive thoughts’ or even repeat a mantra but if they don’t match your intentions, they can have a negative effect on you.

– Make sure all ‘affirmations’ are understandable and clear to be effective. You need to be certain of what you are trying to achieve or realize in life. If it’s still unclear, keep searching for more information until definite answers come out.

– Don’t let the wrong thoughts affect your mind and realization because positive affirmations must be used together with the right thoughts; ones that will not cause any conflict in realizations and our goals in life.

– Another important thing is that positive affirmations should only use words that are true about whatever you are saying them for or about whichever goal it may be set for both spiritual and material desires.

Can affirmations make you rich?

Certainly, they can if you want it to. It can bring anything into your life and help you achieve whatever goals or aspirations that are big in your heart.

But being realistic, it takes work towards achieving the goal of becoming a millionaire and affirmation alone cannot do that, rather it can help change our thinking towards reaching our most desired objectives in life.

So how exactly does using positive affirmations help us achieve what we have dreamed about for so long? It helps us by giving way to ‘de-cluttering our minds from negative thoughts while at the same time helping us take off all the weights that prevent us from feeling free and independent.

It provides an avenue for new things to happen in your life as well as making it possible for your subconscious mind to be at ease and relaxed.

Positive affirmations can do all these for you but you need to be able to use them properly, with conviction so that they will work effectively for you.

But before we go into how exactly positive affirmations work, there are things that you need to know first about them such as:

– Affirmations are not a guarantee of getting what you want because it works on those who believe in its power. It’s similar to telling yourself things like ‘I’m going to lose 20 lbs this month’, if deep inside you don’t believe it then chances are that it won’t happen.

In the same manner, if your goals aren’t backed up by faith then your realization won’t be complete. You need to have that ‘inner strength’ and determination to keep on going even against the odds.

– Affirmations must be used in combination with positive thinking so that they will help you achieve what you want in life, if only for a short time. Positive thoughts are essential when using positive affirmations because they both help promote confidence within us to stand up against negative circumstances we come across in our lives.

We can’t avoid being confronted by negativity especially from other people who may try to bring us down but we don’t have to let these things affect us negatively anymore through the power of positive affirmations.

Money and the Law of Attraction

Money Affirmations freedom

This is one of the main reasons why you need to use positive affirmations because this law is what drives our desire for more resources in life.

But there’s a catch, we can really only attract more money (in whatever form it may be) if we are able to let go of some whether through giving or receiving.

So much has been said about positive thinking and how it affects us positively but I think that the way people interpret it might not always be correct so here’s another way of understanding and using positive affirmations effectively:

– If you want to succeed, stop seeing yourself as a failure and convince yourself that you will not fail anymore. This simply means that effective affirmation has two parts; first being self-acceptance and then convincing yourself that you can do it for real.

– Affirmation works on those who believe in its power so no matter what your goals are, make sure that you wholeheartedly believe that you will succeed in achieving it since this will be the only way for positive affirmations to take effect.

How does one use positive affirmations?

Here’s how:  Every morning, before you become active on what’s ahead in your day, spend a few minutes with yourself and quietly say to yourself over and over again: “I accept myself for who I am” or something similar that is suited for your goals. Just make sure it matches perfectly with the goal you are trying to achieve.

By doing this you will be able to get rid of all negative thoughts that might happen as a result of some situations and people in your surroundings.  

Every time when confronted by these things just repeat softly yet strongly: “What other people think about me is none of my business anyway”.

By saying these positive affirmations repeatedly, your subconscious mind will eventually come to believe them and then they can have an influence making positive changes in your life.

Also, you can’t just repeat the same affirmation for a long period because that alone cannot make those changes happen, what’s important is that you should be reading or researching about related subjects to where your goals are and every time an applicable item comes up on your way.

In whatever form it may be, remember to read it out loud with conviction while at the same time focusing on re-affirming whatever affirmations you’ve already learned.  

Just do this daily until you get the results you want which will eventually come provided that there is no ‘glass ceiling’ blocking your opportunities along the way. Then as soon as you achieve them, don’t just stop using affirmations but use them again especially if they are spiritual affirmations!  

List of money affirmations that can work fast

Those affirmations may seem outside your mind’s reach and reality. The idea of money affirmation is opening oneself up to the chance of creating something.

Accept the possibility it will become your magnet for money in the future that you want it. You might not be a millionaire today and cannot imagine yourself being one but don’t stop thinking about the possibility that you could become a millionaire.

Your personal affirmation could be used as a starting point that you can tailor to your situation or your target situation throughout the year. You can also use this list to form your own personal affirmations for yourself

  • I am wealthy and prosperous in
  • every area of my life. I am abundant in love, health, and money
  • I have plenty of money to meet my needs and desires
  • Every day in every way I am getting wealthier and wealthier
  • Money comes to me easily through the right channels at the right time for maximum benefit… My prosperity continues to expand without limits
  • I am attracting wealth to me now
  • I am a money magnet and everything I do is attracting huge sums of money to me
  • I can attract some incredible opportunities that make my way of life amazingly wonderful, in a very short time
  • The true wealth for me lies within myself and I open the doorways of abundance right now.
  • My life is increasingly filled with all the abundance I need for an incredible life.
  • I attract all the money that I need in order to live my dreams and make a difference on this planet
  • I AM wealthy, prosperous, and expanding continually. My purpose in life is to be of greatest service as a magnet for abundance
  • Abundance flows through me easily and effortlessly. As it does, it brings health, happiness, and prosperity to my life in wonderful ways I can count on.
  • I am a money magnet… Money finds me easily and effortlessly with no effort on my part.
  • I love money! Money is always flowing to me and through me. I am a money magnet and whatever I do with the money the universe will provide
  • I love money! Money’s my friend. It does everything I ask it to, because we work as a team… Money flows easily and freely towards me
  • Money never runs out on me.
  • As long as there’s a breath in my body, there’s plenty of money to take care of me
  • I am a powerful money magnet
  • Money is wonderful! It’s exciting to be around. Money is absolutely magical…. My life is an incredible success and everything I touch turns into gold
  • I am a money magnet attracting more and more money every time that I think about it. I have plenty of money to take care of my needs and desires.
  • I am a powerful money magnet…
  • Money is wonderful! It’s exciting to be around. Money is absolutely magical… All I see in the future are unlimited possibilities for magnificent, abundant wealth!
  • There’s lots of easy cash available for me right now. There’s nothing to stop me from attracting all the money that I need to live my life and make my dreams come true.
  • I’ve got a money magnet in me! It’s pulling money towards me right now… My life is an incredible success and everything I touch turns into gold… Money, money, money for everyone who knows how to work with it.
  • I am a money magnet! I attract more and more money every time that I think about it.
  • I attract all the money that I need to live my life and make my dreams come true.
  • The flow of abundance is here at last. As I think about money, opportunities begin to open up for me and become abundant in my life.
  • Money is wonderful! It’s exciting to be around. Money is absolutely magical.
  • My life is an incredible success and everything I touch turns into gold.
  • All I see in the future are unlimited possibilities for magnificent, abundant wealth!
  • My financial destiny is fabulous beyond words because right now, right this very minute, things are happening on a quantum level that will materialize sooner than later into huge sums of money!
  • All at once, I’m receiving opportunities to earn more and more money – as much as I desire…
  • I love money. Money is always flowing to me and through me. I am a money magnet and whatever I do with the money the universe will provide…
  • I wake up in the morning full of energy, enthusiasm, excitement, confidence, and motivation for a new day that brings exciting new opportunities for increasing my wealth – faster than ever before…
  • My income continues to grow whether or not it’s related to anything that is currently happening in my job or personal business… My income flows easily every day now from multiple sources…
  • Money comes to me easily through the right channels at the right time for maximum benefit…
  • I can say with full confidence and conviction that the flow of abundance is here at last. As I think about money, opportunities begin to open up for me and become abundant in my life.
  • My financial destiny is fabulous beyond words because right now, right this very minute, things are happening on a quantum level that will materialize sooner than later into huge sums of money!
  • My income continues to grow whether or not it’s related to anything that is currently happening in my job or personal business…
  • Money comes to me easily through the right channels at the right time for maximum benefit…
  • I never have trouble meeting my bills – there’s always plenty of cash available whenever I need it.
  • There’s nothing to stop me from attracting all the money that I need to live my life and make my dreams come true.
  • My income continues to grow whether or not it’s related to anything that is currently happening in my job or personal business…
  • Money comes to me easily through the right channels at the right time for maximum benefit…
  • I can say with full confidence and conviction that the flow of abundance is here at last. As I think about money, opportunities begin to open up for me and become abundant in my life.
  • As I think about money, opportunities begin to open up for me and become abundant in my life.
  • My financial destiny is fabulous beyond words because right now, right this very minute, things are happening on a quantum level that will materialize sooner than later into huge sums of money!
  • Things are happening on a quantum level that will materialize sooner than later into huge sums of money!
  • As I think about the money I want to attract, opportunities begin to open up for me and become abundant in my life. As I continue thinking about that specific amount of money steadily flowing towards me…
  • I am receiving more and more offers for high-paying jobs, as well as many other opportunities. My financial situation is improving quickly right now…
  • Money comes to me easily through the right channels at the right time for maximum benefit.
  • Money flows freely to me now from multiple sources – and it just keeps getting better! As I think about an ever-increasing flow of abundance coming towards me…
  • I am receiving more and more offers for high-paying jobs, as well as many other opportunities. My financial situation is improving quickly right now…
  • Money comes to me easily through the right channels at the right time for maximum benefit. I love money! Money is always flowing to me and through me…
  • I am a money magnet and whatever I do with the money that flows into my life will be returned effortlessly sevenfold…
  • My income continues to grow whether or not it’s related to anything that is currently happening in my job or personal business – things just keep getting better all around!
  • Whatever I do with the money that flows into my life will be returned effortlessly sevenfold…
  • Money coming towards me from multiple sources keeps increasing and the flow of abundance is here at last!
  • Things are happening on a quantum level that will materialize sooner than later into huge sums of money!
  • I am so grateful to be able to attract such wonderful opportunities and financial resources.
  • My income continues to grow whether or not it’s related to anything that is currently happening in my job or personal business.
  • Money comes to me easily through the right channels at the right time for maximum benefit.
  • I laugh every day as my good fortune grows because this show is only going to get better and better!
  • My financial destiny is fabulous beyond words because right now, right this very minute, things are happening on a quantum level that will materialize sooner than later into huge sums of money!

Affirmations Do Work If You Believe

In the affirmation that you have chosen and practice it daily. You may feel silly as a grown person reciting a statement out loud, but you should not. The law of attraction is simply that you attract into your life what you focus on. If you focus on your shortcomings; like not being financially sound, you will always be in financial difficulty. You need to change your mindset. Here are some affirmations that you can start with and tailor-make to suit yourself. 

  • I have enough money for what I need and more
  • My life is filled with health and wealth
  • I deserve to be wealthy
  • I believe that I will be prosperous
  • I believe I will be wealthy and I deserve it
  • Today I will take the next step to a wealthy life
  • I can conquer my financial challenges
  • I believe I will find a new source of income
  • I know I will have a financially successful business
  • I believe I will find my dream career
  • Today I am in control of my financial future
  • I believe my income will constantly be increasing
  • I am worthy of making more money
  • I will use my wealth to better my life and the lives of others
  • I am the master of my wealth
  • I believe my hard work will lead to wealth
  • I am a magnet for wealth and abundance 

Everyone Deserves Financial Freedom.

One of the most searched internet phrases includes financial freedom or wealth. This shows there is a tremendous amount of pressure on people to earn better livings. Stress can affect your health and your relationships with people.

If you are willing to try positive affirmations to change your life, you will be surprised at the power of simply changing your mindset. There is no reason not to try it, you just need to find an affirmation you can believe in. You need to practice your affirmation each and every day.

You Are Worthy

You need to believe that you are worthy of more wealth in your life. You have to believe it more than you believe the negative. When you practice your affirmations, make sure you concentrate on your breathing and are comfortable. Some people like to have a quiet place to spend three to five minutes reciting their chosen statement (check out video below). 

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