Tarot Card Meanings

Knight Of Swords Tarot Meaning & Understanding

Knight Of Swords Meaning The Knight of Swords card in the tarot represents a person who is most likely to have an air about them. They are quick to think and fast on their feet, they also want what they want now. Their qualities are similar to that of the Knight of Wands and if…

Six Of Wands Tarot Meaning & Understanding

Six Of Wands Meaning: This card shows a celebration that has just happened. They have finally overcome obstacles and have faced every roadblock as a team. There is music, dancing and lots of food. Everyone is having a great time celebrating their victory. However, despite all the happiness they are feeling at this moment there…

Six Of Pentacles Tarot Meaning & Understanding

Six Of Pentacles Meaning: If we are to look at the general meaning of the Six Of Pentacles Tarot Card, then it highlights a good flow of money into our life. This card is also about financial prosperity and stability. If you have any business or are running or planning to start one, this card…

Six Of Cups Tarot Meaning Understanding

Six Of Cups Meaning When the Six of Cups appears in a tarot reading, it is linked with an individual who has a family or group mentality. This card will show that the querent is yearning for unity and harmony between loved ones in their life and, if they are feeling overly ambitious, they would…

Six of Swords Tarot Meaning & Understanding

Six of Swords Meaning: When this tarot card shows up in your reading, it could be telling you to accept that things won’t always be perfect and that sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward. The six of swords can also indicate the need for emotional healing and letting go of…

Three Of Pentacles Tarot Meaning & Understanding

Three Of Pentacles Meaning: Three Of Pentacles is the number 3 appearing in a tarot card. It symbolizes the concept of ‘progress’ or ‘advancement.’ Unlike the negative connotations of the 2, this is generally perceived as positive and beneficial. The Three Of Pentacles represents success after attempts, hard work finally paying off. Often it refers…

Three Of Cups Tarot Meaning & Understanding

Three Of Cups Meaning: The Three of Cups Tarot depicts a very inspiring image in the “Learned Man,” dressed in blue and white. His clothing is covered with stars, and adorned on his left breast is the symbol of Venus, both recognized symbols for knowledge. He brings two cups to an apparent female, much younger…

Three Of Wands Tarot Meaning & Understanding

Three Of Wands Meaning: The energy of this card is that you have to decide and be decisive. You can no longer play around or procrastinate. It’s time to face reality. Decide on what you really want in life and define the steps required to get it. You have a choice between two paths. You…

Three Of Swords Tarot Meaning & Understanding

Three Of Swords Tarot Card Meanings: When The Three of Swords card appears in a Tarot reading it means that you are feeling neglected and being rejected by others. You might not feel good enough or attractive and that low self-confidence is holding you back from making progress at work and in relationships.  It could…

Ten Of Pentacles Tarot Meaning & Understanding

Ten Of Pentacles Meaning: When the Ten of Pentacles is drawn in a Tarot reading, this card generally indicates that you have taken care of all your business and are now ready to enjoy the rewards. If you’re asking about some sort of investment or project that will require some time, then the Ten of…