Ace Of Cups Complete Tarot Meaning & Understanding

  • By: admin
  • Date: August 6, 2021
  • Time to read: 7 min.

Ace Of Cups Meaning:

The Ace of Cups is a card that represents the birth, beginnings, and potential for new projects. It symbolizes that something wonderful has emerged.

When it appears in your reading, you can expect these things to happen: 1- A new friendship will be forged 2- An existing relationship will take a positive turn 3- The beginning of a new enterprise 4- You will get a phone call regarding an exciting opportunity 5- A contract that calls for your professional services 6- Optimism, hope, and success in love or business 7- A birth 8- The start of a project 9- Something positive to look forward to

The Ace of Cups is often associated with harmony, completion, celebration, satisfying relationships, and emotional fulfillment. It depicts the elements of water (the cup) and fire (the heart). Among other things: new romance; fresh starts; pure emotions; spirituality; creativity; intuition; deep understanding; support from family members.  I believe it can also be seen as an invitation to experience that kind of thing – if we believe they’re possible in our life.

Upright Ace Of Cups Meaning:

The Ace of Cups is the positive influence and nurturing aspect that enters your life. You are being called to embrace new beginnings, growth through love, joyous relationships, friendship.

It’s a call to be innovative and creative while giving yourself permission to play with ideas without worrying about where they will lead you or whether they will work out in the end.  

Trust your inner voice on this one – listen for inspiration! Trust that things are going to go well as long as you aren’t making impulsive decisions based on anger, fear, anxiety, or other negative emotions.

Ace Of Cups Reversed Meaning:

If you draw this card reversed (upside down), it suggests that we may be getting in our own way. Our expectations may be way off, causing us to feel disappointed or hurt. We need to take a step back and make sure we are seeing things clearly before making any big decisions. 

We may have unrealistic expectations or we could be misreading a situation. Or, it suggests that your fears are getting in the way of your happiness. If you receive this card reversed in a reading, address the issue immediately.

Career Meaning – Upright:

It is a time of excitement and new beginnings for your career. New opportunities will arise that will allow you to express yourself in unique ways as well as make meaningful connections with others. Your creativity may be enhanced at this moment, allowing you the ability to see things from more than one perspective. 

Career Meaning – Reversed:

If you receive the Ace of Cups reversed in a reading, it suggests that opportunities are being missed or ignored out of fear of failure. You might be moving slowly during this period and finding it difficult to progress forward due to an inability to make decisions about what needs to happen next. 

Relationship/Love Meanings – Upright:

The Ace of Cups represents a time when love enters your life in a very positive manner. It could refer to a new romance, marriage, or simply the start of a healthy relationship.

Some believe that the Ace indicates pregnancy and motherhood but I believe this would more likely be found in the Two of Cups card.

If you receive the Ace of Cups upright during a reading it suggests that a love interest will arrive just at the right time with all things seemingly perfect – including timing and compatibility. 

Relationship/Love Meanings – Reversed:

The Ace of Cups reversed suggests that conflict may be present in some area of your life.  It could indicate feelings of anger, resentment, or betrayal on the part of a friend, lover, or partner and it indicates deceitful behavior on the part of these people. 

If you draw this card reversed (upside down), it suggests that there are personality clashes with those around you at work. The energy surrounding you is not conducive to getting things done and your moods are affecting others negatively. Take a step back here and avoid any arguments that will only make matters worse!

When The Ace of Cups comes up reversed during a reading, it represents an ending to something that never really began in the first place or was not meant to be. You may also be experiencing some difficult changes within your family. In work-related issues, you will need to focus on your own needs and desires rather than those of others.

When The Ace of Cups comes up reversed during a reading, it suggests that you may be harboring some feelings of resentment or anger. Examine your relationships and your life as a whole to find the source of these feelings. You are likely feeling vulnerable right now, so try not to take things personally when others lash out at you!

Relationship/Love Meanings – Upright:

The Ace of Cups represents a time when love enters your life in a very positive manner. It could refer to a new romance, marriage, or simply the start of a healthy relationship.  If you receive this card upright during a reading it suggests that a love interest will arrive just at the right time with all things seemingly perfect – including timing and compatibility.

When The Ace of Cups comes up in reverse (upside down) during a reading it suggests that there may not be any actual feelings of love shown towards you by others or they are refusing to reveal those feelings for some reason. Maybe they feel like their true feelings might scare you off if revealed too soon? Or perhaps… it’s just not there at all! When reversed, it could also mean that you yourself are not capable of loving and accepting another person for who they are.


When you receive the Ace of Cups in a reading it represents the active female energy associated with the Spring season. This is a time when everything seems to be bursting into life, so take advantage of all opportunities available to you!

When The Ace of Cups comes up reversed (upside down) during a reading, it suggests that this is not a good time to take chances and make new moves towards your spiritual destiny – such as missionary work or becoming an evangelist. Conditions are not favorable at this time and you might want to delay initiating any plans until conditions improve.


When you draw the Ace of Cups during a reading, it might seem like nothing is wrong with you at all. Good news! But take note that things may change with little notice and those changes could have health implications.

If you want to remain in top shape (mentally, physically, and spiritually) be sure to eat well and exercise regularly.

If The Ace of Cups comes up reversed during a reading, it indicates some type of problem within your physical self or within your immediate family but it is not anything overly serious.

Remember that any issues can be corrected if dealt with quickly so I suggest scheduling an appointment with your doctor if this card were drawn during a reading for someone else. 

Present Events: 

When The Ace of Cups comes up in a reading it suggests that you are currently experiencing some type of love interest or romantic interaction. It could be the start of something wonderful!

But keep in mind that everything seems to be coming together perfectly for you right now, so make sure nothing gets away from you!

If this card were drawn reversed (upside down), it indicates an ending to something rather than a beginning. Perhaps the end is not really an end but simply a transition into something new? More on this subject is below.

Past Events:

When The Ace of Cups is drawn during a reading, it suggests that you have recently experienced disappointment or even heartbreak in some form. You may have placed your trust in someone who did not return the sentiment and/or you may have been cheated on by your significant other.

Or maybe this card was simply pulled to represent past occurrences where love played an important role such as early childhood years with parents and siblings or early social experiences at school?

If The Ace of Cups were being read about another person during reading then it implies that they are feeling rejected by their current lover and/or feel like returning home after traveling for a while. 

Future Events:

The Ace of Cups is not generally considered a good omen when pulled for future predictions about love and romance because it often suggests that some type of separation is coming.  

It could be something minor like having to move away and leave behind a special someone who will miss you dearly, or even the end of your marriage due to illness or death. It could also mean moving into a new community with fresh possibilities in store! 

Remember that The Ace of Cups represents the element Water (feelings), so there may be some type of emotional turmoil associated with any upcoming changes.

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