Page of Pentacles Tarot Meaning

  • By: admin
  • Date: July 15, 2021
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Upright Page of Pentacles Meaning

The page of pentacles is an important Tarot card that relates in a positive way to money, earnings, assets, and the material world. This page signifies good luck, and you’ll likely find yourself gainful employment (in whatever form) or acquiring something valuable, whether it be land, property securities, stocks, and shares – you name it! So, page of pentacles means

(a) gainful employment or asset acquisition

(b) prosperity and good luck.

A page is a young man who appears to be dressed in a page’s uniform. He looks like he has come from the medieval court, and his page-like costume from the 14th century depicts him carrying important news, information, or money. The page of pentacles is often depicted as an angel or a heavenly messenger, and he carries in his hand (whether it be the right or left) either musical instruments, papers, or coins with which to pay someone for their work.

When interpreting the Page of Pentacles Tarot card reversal, you should therefore expect an employment situation in which you will be paid handsomely and receive a bonus for your work. Page of pentacles reversals also means that the page has come to tell you about good news from far away, where perhaps someone’s doing very well (in terms of career or finances), or even that ‘you’ve inherited money.

Reversed Page of Pentacles Meaning

When a page of pentacles is reversed, you are now in an employment situation where there’s no job satisfaction, or a page reversal Tarot card means that the page has come to tell you about bad news that is causing financial hardship. Page reversal means ‘money worries’ and, more specifically, a lack of money (or funds). It may be that page of Pentacles reversed has come to tell you that your ‘business’ is not doing well.

Page of pentacles reversed can also mean that you are looking for gainful employment, where page reversals mean there’s a lack of luck, and page reversal signifies no money coming your way. Therefore, the page of pentacles reversed means that the page has come to tell you about (bad) news ‘from the source,’ page of pentacles reversed, therefore, means that someone in a financial position is not doing too well.

Many reversals indicate a complete lack of gainful employment and page reversal Tarot card meaning suggests that this individual has no funds or assets. A page reversal Tarot card can also mean ‘not having a penny to your name. Reversed indicates an unhappy employment situation, and page reversal Tarot card meaning suggests that page has come to tell you about some bad news causing financial hardship. Page of pentacles reversed, therefore, suggests a situation where the page has come to tell you about ‘bad news from the source. Page reversal Tarot card meaning also signifies that your own personal finances are not doing too well, and page reversal means there’s no money coming your way at all!

Tarot Love Meaning – Upright

The page of pentacles is a Tarot card that relates very well to love, long-term relationships, marriage, and romance. page of Pentacles Tarot meaning can also mean that the page has come to tell someone about the good news regarding their relationship; page reversed then suggests ‘bad news from the source.’

The page of

pentacles reversal Tarot card meaning, on the other hand, suggests that love has come to tell you about good news from far away; page reversal then indicates ‘bad (or not so good) news from the source.

Page of pentacles reversed is often associated with an employment situation that causes relationship difficulties. Page reversed, therefore, means a situation where the card is telling you about relationship trouble. Page reversal can also mean a ‘worrying’ employment situation in which the page has come to tell you about bad news which is causing financial hardship. Page reversed, therefore, suggests that the page has come to tell you about (bad) news from the source; the card reversed then signifies a lack of money. page reversal, therefore, means the page has come to tell you about bad news which is causing financial hardship; page reversed also suggests that it is bringing trouble with money and page reversals Tarot card meaning signifies that the card (reversed) indicates ‘no money coming your way.’

Tarot Love Meaning – Reversed

Page of pentacles reversed implies ‘not having a penny to your name. The Card reversed indicates an unhappy employment situation. The page reversal Tarot card meaning suggests that the page has come to tell you about some bad news causing financial hardship. The Card reversed, therefore, suggests a situation where the page has come to tell you about ‘bad news from the source. Page reversal Tarot card meaning also signifies that your own personal finances are not doing too well, and page reversal means there’s no money coming your way at all! Page reversal page of pentacles reversed is often associated with an employment situation that causes relationship difficulties, Page reversed, therefore, means a situation where the card is telling you about relationship trouble, and page reversal can also mean a ‘worrying’ employment situation in which the page has come to tell you about bad news which is causing financial hardship.

Career Meaning – Reversed

The page of pentacles page reversal Tarot card meaning also signifies work that page has come to tell you about bad news; page reversed then suggests ‘not having a job.’ card reversal, therefore, means the page has come to tell you about (bad) news from the source; card reversed, therefore, suggests there’s no money coming your way. Page of pentacles page reversal also signifies that page has come to tell you about bad news; page reversed, therefore, means the page brings trouble with money. Page of pentacles page reversal Tarot card meaning then suggests an unhappy employment situation and page reversed also indicates ‘not having a job’; page of pentacles page reversal indicates that page has come to tell you about bad news causing financial hardship. Page of pentacles page reversed, therefore, means the card has come to tell you about a worrying employment situation; page reversed Tarot card meaning then signifies page bringing trouble with money.

Career Meaning – Upright

The page of pentacles upright Tarot card meaning signifies it has come to tell you about good news concerning your financial situation. It also signifies bringing good news related to money and an increase in income; the page also suggests that the page is trying to help you with your finances, and this person’s passion may be business. Page reversed then signifies page bringing bad news or trouble with money; page reversal Tarot card meaning then suggests page has come to tell you about a worrying financial situation. The page can also mean the page is trying to help you with your finances having difficulty.

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